Freitag, 27. Juni 2008

UFOs invade australien town

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UFOs invade NT town

Families spent hours in fear as what appeared to be three spaceships hovered in the distance with another just metres above their houses.

"The sound was horrible. It sounded like something was going past.

"We thought it was a jet. I saw what I thought at first was the evening star, the first star you usually see at night.

"But then we saw three red lights in the distance, and the sound kept getting louder.

"The ground felt like it was shaking, so we ran inside and shut the doors.

"After a while, after the things all disappeared... I think it was about 11pm by then.

"Then the light in the house became so bright, it was like we were sitting in a football stadium," she said.

She said at one stage the phone rang, but went dead when she tried to answer it.

"We heard the noise again and it came back, but disappeared again moments later.

Ms Dixon said the UFO hovered above the homes for what seemed like a couple of hours.

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Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008

UFO sightings spark alien invasion fears

Es tritt immer öfter auf wies schient ...
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UFO sightings spark alien invasion fears

Hundreds of people witnessed strange orange orbs hover over Liverpool, north England, on Monday, British tabloid The Sun reports.

The sightings prompted widespread speculation about the possiblity of an alien invasion.

Former policeman Steve Rafferty, 50, and his daughter Emma, convinced they were having a close encounter, filmed the unexplained phenomena on a mobile phone.

Another witness suggested the "alien craft" appeared to be scouting for a place to land, the newspaper reported.

The sightings came as three soldiers reported seeing UFOs spinning over an army base in Shropshire, in the west of the country.

The 13 flying objects were captured on film and are now reportedly being investigated by army officials.

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Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2008

Thousands of Dutch Prepare for 2012 Apocalypse, According to Report

Der 2012 Wahnsinn geht langsam los ...
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Thousands of Dutch Prepare for 2012 Apocalypse, According to Report

The world will end in 2012 — or so say thousands in the Netherlands preparing for the apocalypse in four years, the Dutch-language newspaper de Volkskrant reported Tuesday.

The paper spoke to those who believe the 2012 date signals the impending end of civilization and are stocking up on emergency supplies, equipment and life rafts in case of flooding, United Press International reported.

"You know, maybe it's really not that bad that the Netherlands will be destroyed," Petra Faile told de Volkskrant. "I don't like it here anymore. Take immigration, for example. They keep letting people in. And then we have to build more houses, which makes the Netherlands even heavier. The country will sink even lower, which will make the flooding worse."

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Dienstag, 24. Juni 2008

Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

Famed prosecutor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Vincent Bugliosi has written the most powerful, explosive, and thought-provoking book of his storied career. As a prosecutor dedicated to seeking justice, he delivers a non-partisan argument, free from party lines, based upon hard facts and pure objectivity. More

VideoIn The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, Bugliosi presents a tight, meticulously researched legal case that puts George W. Bush on trial in an American courtroom for the murder of nearly 4,000 American soldiers fighting in Iraq. Watch this video interview to learn why he believes we must bring those responsible for the war in Iraq to justice. More

Book cover
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Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2008

Global military spending soars 45 pct in 10 years

Its sad and obscene
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Global military spending soars 45 pct in 10 years

STOCKHOLM (AFP) — World military spending grew 45 percent in the past decade, with the United States accounting for nearly half of all expenditure, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said Monday.

Military spending grew six percent last year alone, according to SIPRI's annual report.

In 2007, 1,339 billion dollars (851 billion euros) was spent on arms and other military expenditure, corresponding to 2.5 percent of global gross domestic product, or GDP -- or 202 dollars for each of the world's 6.6 billion people.

The United States spends by far the most towards military aims, dishing out 547 billion dollars last year, or 45 percent of global expenditure.

Britain, China, France and Japan, the next in line of big spenders, lag far behind, accounting for just four to five percent of world military costs each.

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Montag, 9. Juni 2008

Strange picture from Mars.

A Weird reflexion?

strange picture from Mars. Very odd

YouTube Link
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Freitag, 6. Juni 2008

How do you solve a problem like the Führer?

Funny, i didnt know Linz will be Europes capital of culture 2009... but in the end the should'nt deal with Hitler too much, he anyway became - sadly enough - some kinda popstar
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How do you solve a problem like the Fuhrer?

One of the last photographs of Hitler shows him sitting at a low table,
studying the Nibelungen Bridge he had thrown across the Danube as a
prelude to more grandiose constructions. In his final will and
testament, Hitler bequeathed Linz his personal art collection. Linz, in
Hitler’s fantasy, was going to be Europe’s capital of culture.

Even if there were cultural grounds for celebrating Linz – and there are
some – someone on an EU salary should surely have spotted that 2009 is
the 70th anniversary of Hitler’s war and the 120th of his birth. No year
with a 9 in it is a good time to talk about the genius of Linz,
regardless of the passage of time.

Next year, that dream will be fulfilled. By some quirk of Brussels
chicanery or a triple ironic bypass after a liquid lunch, Linz has been
chosen to succeed Liverpool as Europe’s artistic hub for the year 2009.
It’s a decision beyond satire, or reason.

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Montag, 25. Februar 2008

Warum der Kapitalismus triumphiert ...

Eine durchaus interessante These, die irgendwie Richtig "klingt" welche Paul Krugman vorstellt:

Why did people stop believing in socialism? Part of the answer is simply the passage of time: you can't expect revolutionary fervor to last for 70 years. But perhaps also the unexpected resurgence of capitalism played a role. By the 1980s Russia's elite was all too aware that the country, instead of overtaking the capitalist nations, was slipping behind - that Russia was failing to take advantage of new technology, that if anyone was challenging the West it was the rising nations of Asia. Communism lost any claim to the mandate of history well before it actually fell apart, and perhaps that is why it fell apart.
In the end, then, capitalism triumphed because it is a system that is robust to cynicism, that assumes that each man is out for himself. For much of the past century and a half men have dreamed of something better, of an economy that drew on man's better nature. But dreams, it turns out, can't keep a system going over the long term; selfishness can.

Zynismus also ... derselbe Zynismus von dem Peter Sloterdijk einst in seinem Buch "Kritik der zynischen Vernunft" meinte das er zur "Deformation des Charakters" führe. Nun, es schent als würde er zumindest zur Deformation der conditio humana führen, aber nicht nur - wie Hanna Arendt zunächst meinte - kommt es zu einer "Selbst-Entfremdung des Menschen von seiner Natur" sondern auch zunehmend zu einer Entfremdung der Natur vom Menschen. Es wird vielleicht Zeit wieder Sloterdijk zu lesen ...

Montag, 18. Februar 2008

Das Massaker am Valentinstag in Illinois ist das fünfte innerhalb von 7 Tagen:

Kazmierczak’s rampage is the fifth shooting at an American college or school in the past seven days and comes ten months after the massacre at Virginia Tech university, when a student there – an awkward misfit – killed 32 people.

.. und hierzulande wird kaum was berichtet ...

In Kanada werden Füsse angeschwemmt ..

Zum dritten Mal innerhalb eines halben Jahres ist nun ein abgetrennter Männerfuß bei Vancouver an die Küste der kanadischen Provinz British Columbia im Südwesten des Landes gespült worden - jedes Mal war es ein rechter Fuß, jedes Mal war die Schuhgröße 45.

In Frankreich werden Manager von Arbeitern festgehalten ...

In Frankreich haben nun die Mitarbeiter eines vor der Schließung stehenden Michelin-Werkes zu drastischen Maßnahmen gegriffen. Zwei Manager des Werkes wurden drei Tage lang von den gewerkschaftlich organisierten Arbeitern festgehalten. Erst nachdem der Konzern den Mitarbeitern zumindest bei der Abfertigung und Weitervermittlung entgegengekommen war, wurden die zwei Führungskräfte freigelassen.

In England ist ein Selbstmord-Kult (oder wie man das auch immer nennen will, am ehesten ist es wohl en copycat-Effekt) verantwortlich für den Freitod von mittlerweile mindestens 16 Jugendlichen in einem Dorf:
It follows the death on Thursday of Kelly Stephenson, 20, who killed herself the day after being told her cousin Nathaniel Pritchard, 15, had tried to commit suicide and was unlikely to recover.
Their deaths brought the toll of suspected suicides in the town to 16 since the start of last year.

Geht es nur mir so oder ist das alles ein wenig .. nunja .. ein wenig wie aus einem absurden Theaterstück? Irgenwdwie fühlt sich das Jahr 2008 seltsam an ...

Donnerstag, 31. Jänner 2008

Britney ...

Vom Laufen um den Blog habe ich etwas seltsames & für mich auch verstörendes mitgebracht ...
Britney Spears verfährt sich offenbar, bzw. nimmt eine Abkürzung und bekommt dann Angst ... um in einem seltsamen britischen Akzent (sie ist Südstaaten-Amerikanerin ...) zugleich vor den Paparazzi (unglaublich wie viele da hinterherlaufen) davonzulaufen und sie um Hilfe zu bitten ... eine seltsam/irritierende Dynamik die da herrscht ...

Sie hat schon einmal zuvor in diesem seltsamen Akzent gesprochen .. da fand sie eine Toilette nicht ...